Day 1: Food Diary

I attempt to write down what I eat every month. I accomplish the task for about a week. I feel empowered. My excitement of accomplishment overcomes my ability to follow though. In that state I stop. Stop following my dream to a better healthy body. A more active life.

I have a goal to write down everything I eat for 30 days. I have accomplished day 1.

Tackling my Goals and Why

Every once in awhile we need to evaluate our goals. It can be difficult to look inside yourself and fine what it is that you really want. Then you have to ask yourself why.


I was once told my a truly amazing woman, Kat. When you make a goal, ask yourself five times why you want to Accomplish your goal. By the time you get to the fifth why, you will find your true answer.

Here is an example of an exercise I often play in my head.

Goal: Lose weight

Why? So my body doesn’t hurt

Why? So I can move better

Why? So I can be more active

Why? So I can keep up with my kids

Why? So I can live and love longer.

What are your goals?

Use this technique and discover WHY? You want to accomplish something.

It may surprise you!

If you need help accomplishing that goal Rhythms of play looks like a great blog site.

Park City

I have officially lived in Park City for one month. In some ways it feels so much longer. I unpacked all the boxes I thought would be important to have. I have organized my kitchen, pantry and bathrooms. Now, all the usual house hold items are on the list. Agh! Laundry in a smaller laundry room. It no longer is my sanguinary.

I have found myself in a rut but working out and planning things ahead are helping!!

The views remain spectacular and I grin from ear to ear when I walk outside every morning. I am finally feeling like I am adjusting to the proximity of the sun. It feels 10 feet away in the middle of the day. If you are attempting to be productive outside you need to wake up early or stay up late. The best time to get outside is until 9 am or 7 pm on.

The nights are amazing the the stars are bright! I am so happy to be where I am.

Where is your happy place?

Discovering your new Path

I have officially moved to Utah. The mountains carry a beauty that I don’t remember before. It might be because I am living nestled in between the mountains. My views are of open fields full of wild life.

I am so blessed to be where I am.

I have connected with family that I haven’t seen in years. I feel as if I belong. It feels strange that once upon a time I was trying to discover who I was and now I feel like this change in my life is helping me find myself.

I have gotten out of my comfort zone and have met some pretty great people.

I am holding on to this adventure with two hands and trying not to let go.

Here is to holding on to discover something new!

Discover your new.

Here’s to my Future

Here’s to my future

Here’s to my yesterday

Here’s to change

Oh, here’s to my yesterday

No tomorrow without a yesterday

The song my Imagine dragons on the album Evolve has struck a cord with me. The first couple of lines does not sum up the song completely. However, I enjoy the idea of accepting the idea of change and a new beginning. I struggle to see what the future will look like with the changes I make today. I don’t commit to myself for very long. But to forge ahead with your head up high knowing that the next decision could change your life is exciting, scary and wonderful.

My next goal is to try rock climbing, in doors of course. I am nervous. I know of a local place that I can try it out. I will make this change in my life by the end of next week.

Here is to great change and adventure.


It only takes a different perspective to realize that things can be different. The Oregon weather has been very difficult to tolerate this year. It’s not really the rain, it’s the clouds making the rain.

My Mom came to visit this week. I always love to see her. She always is there for me. She talks to me about all of my joys and struggles. She inspires me by her actions all the time.

This week was no different. She was leaving my house for the night and saw my rhododendron plant. She was wowed by the large flowers. “Why haven’t you put these in your house,” she said. She began to pluck each flower leaving enough stem to put it in a vase. She gathered them together and showed them to me with such joy and bewilderment. You could tell that she wasn’t quite sure how so much beauty could occur in April.

I wasn’t really sure why I didn’t put the rhododendron flowers in the house. I have been so focused on the ugly part of the weather that I forgot to notice what all the rain does. It is amazingly green in Oregon. The plants are blooming and the grass is growing strong. It may rain everyday. Not really. But there is always a brighter side.

The picture above was taken by my amazing mother today at one of the tulip farms.

Here is to seeing the other side of things.

Be strong, wise and supportive

Today was another pretty amazing day. I learned something from someone young and someone “old”. Now,  I say “old” only to highlight the age difference.

We have had construction being done all around our house. Once were fields and pines all around us. My son has been watching all the trees being cut down and replaced with houses.

Today he told me, “They needed to put a sign up when you are coming into Oregon that says “You can not come in“. I knew what he had meant but continued to question him. He said,” No one should move to Oregon”.  “They are cutting down all of our trees”. ” We need to stop cutting them down”.

I think this is a pretty observant and wise statement coming from a 6-year-old little boy.

Then I went to Orange Theory today and did a tag team circuit workout. I was paired with an older gentlemen. He was probably late 50’s early 60’s. As we both worked are hardest to compete with everyone and support each other, he blow me away.  He was so strong and supportive. He inspired me to keep working hard.  I also realized that I should keep doing what I am doing and never give up.

It doesn’t matter how old you are you can be wise, strong and supportive.

Continue to be strong, wise and support each other towards their goals.

Have an amazing night.