Keeping it going

I missed yesterday’s post. I worked yesterday. It, as usual was a 13 plus hour day. I did walk over 11,000 steps. I am not sure I want to justify that as a workout.

Today I did Exercise!!

I went to Bonfire Hot Yoga today for a 90 minute hot yoga class. I have never done a hot yoga class. It was not what I expected and yet harder than I thought. The poses were as difficult as I thought and the heat was not as difficult as I thought. However, I developed a headache at the end of class. Because of this I sat in peace and worked on my breathing. I was really happy that I changed my focus during the class and didn’t give up. As the day progressed I found myself centered and able to handle the bumps in the road better. I had a great day. See you all tomorrow Lisa

Day 9

Day 9 was a little rocky with eating. I started the day out right with my lemon water and a well balanced breakfast. As the day progressed, I cleaned the house I began munching on food.

I did however Exercise!

We have a sitting bicycle that I never use. But today I did. It was raining out and I had the kids today. Exercising inside was a great option. Tomorrow I work, I have been thinking about how to workout when I work a 13 hour day.

Any suggestions?

I hope everyone has a great day

Exercising ten days in a row is off to a good start.

Small Progress

Yesterday I made a plan and stuck to it. I don’t like to change the family dynamics. So, it can be hard for me to make myself a priority.

Yesterday I did!

I exercised and drank water. I spent good time with my friends and husband and my children enjoyed themselves with their friends.

It was a pretty productive and fun day. These are two very important words for me to say at the end of the day. To this point, I had a friend tell me once that for her thirtieth birthday she did thirty things to celebrate. I loved this idea. So, I decided to accomplish41things before my next birthday. Most of the items are goals not just a list of thing to do.

One Goal on my list is to workout for 10 days in a row. Day one: 30 minute walk around the neighborhood.

Here is to 9 more days.

See you tomorrow.

Another long day at Work…

Does coffee count as water? It’s a real question?

I have had periods where I don’t consumed coffee. I found that the level of acid in the coffee didn’t agree with my stomach. However, this last winter my Pumpkin Spice Latte craving came on strong. I do drink Almond Milk Lattes. Not really a cup of coffee.

However, black coffee can count towards your coffee consumption. I guess I shouldn’t be so upset that I drank two 16 ounce black coffees yesterday. You see, I now require caffeine to wake-up in the morning.

If you want to know where to get a cup of coffee visit the Bustle website.

I have fallen out of the habit of drinking my lemon water in the morning. I even know why I should drink it. You can find the positive impacts of water in your system in a prior blog.

I truly believe identifying your habits good or bad can help you become the person you really want to be.

Here is to identifying my habits and making a change.

Working 12 hours

I always find it harder to eat clean when I work. I can sometimes say no to the doughnuts Travel Portland Doughnuts . Until there is a sugar drop and time is ticking. Nursing minutes are never an accurate minute. They either last 10 seconds or a life time. Either way you can find time to plow through a doughnut. Now, when I eat a doughnut, it never is a good thing. That sugar drop turns into a sugar rush, headache and massive sugar low. This is why I can usually say NO.

Today was not a doughnut day. However, one rule that I have discussed on this blog is water. I have not been drinking water. I can feel it.

My brain is foggy.

My weight is up.

I have completely lost the since of thirst at this point. That’s never a good thing.

I suppose a goal for me tomorrow is to drink water and skip the crappy sugar rush food.

That’s all for now. Time for bed.

Good night

Always a work in progress

Winter in Nelson BC

I haven’t lost much weight. I always think that today will be the day. I started this blog 4 years ago. My children have grown. I am 41 and feel 18 and 80 all at once. I am not sure what my future holds but I will continue to hope for the best and try every day.

It’s interesting how traveling makes you realize what is so important. My life. My love. My time.

This picture is from British Columbia. I am sitting in the front seat. I was amazed at the beauty.

I am going to continue to look forward and see the beauty.

I realize these are random thought. This is wee my brain is. More on my next blog.