Day 3: Food Diary

I have accomplished day 3 of writing my food diary.

I bought ice cream for a special dinner the other day. I have been eating it. It shows. I have been exercising for the last two days with an amazing dog named Coda. However, the sweet thing.. that ice cream is not contributing to my over all goal.

Be able to move freely.

Be alive longer.

Enjoy my everyday life more.

Quote of the day:

If you haven’t felt like quitting your deans aren’t big enough.

Day 1: Food Diary

I attempt to write down what I eat every month. I accomplish the task for about a week. I feel empowered. My excitement of accomplishment overcomes my ability to follow though. In that state I stop. Stop following my dream to a better healthy body. A more active life.

I have a goal to write down everything I eat for 30 days. I have accomplished day 1.

To be seen

All I want is to been seen. In hard times as you struggle with all the unknown around you all you want is to been seen.

He is there right in front of me but I have yelled, demanded and ignored so much he can’t take the moment to see me. Ask me. Hug me. I struggle and hope that his questions will awaken the lost spirit inside me.

He believes that I need to find my way. That I can fix this all by myself. But I need a pilar to lean on. Hold me up while I waver and fall to the ground. I don’t want to fall.

I need a rock that will help see what needs to be done. Hold me up and ask about my day.

I am alone and drifting away from who I am.

Now to come back and hold up strong.

The Road that leads you Home

This new path leads me home. It’s now a place that I go to be with my family. Play, sit rest, tackle my daily tasks, and plan my future.

I never thought this path was going to be made. However, my husband lead the way. With shovel in hand, blistering forming from all the hard work. Here it is.

Paths are not always well lit. They can be Torturous and unbearable. But you get to choose your own path!!

What is your path?

Tackling my Goals and Why

Every once in awhile we need to evaluate our goals. It can be difficult to look inside yourself and fine what it is that you really want. Then you have to ask yourself why.


I was once told my a truly amazing woman, Kat. When you make a goal, ask yourself five times why you want to Accomplish your goal. By the time you get to the fifth why, you will find your true answer.

Here is an example of an exercise I often play in my head.

Goal: Lose weight

Why? So my body doesn’t hurt

Why? So I can move better

Why? So I can be more active

Why? So I can keep up with my kids

Why? So I can live and love longer.

What are your goals?

Use this technique and discover WHY? You want to accomplish something.

It may surprise you!

If you need help accomplishing that goal Rhythms of play looks like a great blog site.