Sunny Day

The clouds have stopped crying and have moved their gray haze to far to reach places. The sun is blazing through the pine trees as I enjoy the cool breeze. All of the parents and children are out like lizards soaking up each sun rays that reaches the earth. I watch my children play on the playground adjusting to the heat. The come up to me every couple of minutes wanting to know how much longer they have before we go home. Sometimes their question is said with gasps. They are not adjusting well. 

I truly love days like this in Oregon. The temperature is 58 degrees Fahrenheit and it feels like 72 degrees Fahrenheit.  This is why the rainy days are tolerable.  The sun makes me dream of the summer to come. The fun times with the kids. Trips we will take. The adventures we will have together. The sun truly helps you see the future with such happiness.

Here is to the sun. The thoughts of happiness and the future to come.


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